Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday "Wrap Up"

One more week until Spring Break!!  Although it sure doesn't feel like it outside.  We have freezing rain right now and it is supposed to get worse tomorrow.  This week was early dismissal for parent conferences so I thought I would get a lot done.  Somehow it didn't work out that way.

  • 11 more kinder research lessons
  • 2 kinder classes FINISHED with research!
  • skyped 2x with students who were trying to finish a BINGO for ConnectED Bingo
  • Planned activities for Dr. Seuss Week
  • Participated in 3 twitter chats
  • Spent the rest of my book budget
  • Entered our 6 Flags Read to Succeed information
  • Walk/Ran 15 miles on the treadmill.  My longest continuous run was 1.5 mles - which is HUGE for me!

And my wraps...


  1. Haha. They are both and would go great with either color you see. #thedress
