
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Technology Tues: Library Memes

I love collaborating (or in this case stealing) ideas from the librarians in my district.  One of my good friends and librarian at Canyon Ridge Elementary, Wendy Howk @whowk, sent an email in the summer to a few of her "tech-ie" friends" asking an innocent question about an idea she was working on.  She wanted to know if we knew of any kid appropriate meme generators because she wanted her 5th graders to make library rules memes for their orientation.  Our fabulous Terri Eichholz @terrieichholz, suggested that she download pictures that she wanted the students to use into google drive and work from there.  Well, before I could even reply, Wendy had already started created a folder in google drive with blank meme pictures,  I told her I loved the idea and would love to help in any way.  Well, then summer happened and neither of us really did much with it over the summer.

When we got back to school, I mentioned it to my 5th grade reading teachers and of course they loved it and signed up right away - yes, like the first week of school.  So over text messages one night, Wendy and I hammered and tested and retested and played and figured out how it might work through google classroom - which I had never really tried, nor have my teachers - that's right, I live on the edge.  Now, Wendy will say in her sweet way, that we "synergized" on this and that is how it came to fruition, but really it was all her idea and I just pushed her along because I needed to know how to do it to look good for my teachers.  

So anyway, here is how we created Library Rule Memes...

First, We(ndy) created a shared folder in google drive of a bunch of blank memes from a meme generator.

Then I made a google classroom for each of my 5th grade teachers.  

I made a template slide presentation with a title slide for each class and uploaded it into the assignments of the classroom.  

And then I uploaded the memes from my folder as "materials" on the "about" page of classroom.  (This was after I accidentally deleted the shared folder that Wendy had created with all the memes in it, had a huge panic attack and she talked me off a ledge and we figured out how to re-share the images - don't ya love those little "oopsies").

So once the students came for the lesson, I had a Slideshow about memes and some examples of just funny memes and other rule memes.  I also linked to the wikipedia definition of an Internet meme so I could point out to the students that they were intended to be humorous, shared and also the formatting of the meme.  Pointing out that this was not the time for fancy fonts and bright colors.  I also had on the slides how they should log into google classroom on the chromebooks and that is where the fun began.  

Luckily, I had the foresight to ask our instructional technology specialist, Laura Moore @learnmoorestuff, to be with me for at least the first class in case we had trouble.  It was the typical problems of student logins not working that she was able to troubleshoot, while I was explaining how to navigate through google classroom and actually make the meme.  

Each student was going to add a slide with a meme into the google slide presentation that I had assigned the class.  They each added a slide and put their name on it.  They were fascinated that they could all be working on the same presentation at the same time.  Once they had a slide, they looked through the pictures of the meme backgrounds and chose the one they wanted to use.  On the chromebook, they had to do a "two-finger puch" on the mouse pad in order to get the option to "copy".  They went back to their slide and CTRL-Vd to paste the image onto the slide.  They had to resize and then create text boxes with the correct formatting that we saw in wikipedia and added their text.  

And so here are their finished Library Memes.  Of course, these are the best of the best of 7 classess.  I wouldn't lead you on and say they were all this good.  I had kids who only got the picture pasted on and kids that totally missed the idea of "library" and just made a meme. But being that it was the first week of school and that we had never used google classroom before, I was pretty pleased with the results.  

I told the kids that I was going to be making laminated posters out of a "few" of the memes to hang on the wall in the library.  How do I choose?  I could use some help deciding!  Which ones do you like?


  1. Those are great! I particularly like the STAR WARS, Batman and the cat with the two bookmarks!

  2. These are really cool Sara! Great job to you and Wendy!

  3. Such a great idea! How long did it take to do this lesson?

  4. Thanks, Lisa and Faye. We really had fun.

    Lidia, it took about an hour. The longest part for us was logging onto the chromebooks.

  5. Love this! My Fave is the last Meme as it reflects how I feel with a really great book and how I want my students to feel about books too! Tx for sharing! I would like to use this idea to create our classroom expectations this year. What a positive way for students to create our learning environment for this year.

    1. It was super fun! I just finished making a few posters to hang on the walls. Thanks for reading

  6. This idea is great. I'm on my way to a Meme generator to make a file of images for kids to choose. Before I do this however, I'm wondering if you will share the file you created? It can't hurt to ask, right?

    1. Sorry I am just now getting to this. Hope you found some good ones to use!

  7. Loved this and completed district expectations with memes today. Our 6th graders really took this seriously....meaningful and fun way to remind them! Thank you

    1. Awesome! Would love to see some of the ones your kiddos created!

    2. Awesome! Would love to see some of the ones your kiddos created!

  8. Thanks For sharing this Superb article.I use this Article to show my assignment in is useful For me Great Work.
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